midicanalArgens-Minervois village on the Midi canal

Argens-Minervois village on the Midi canal

Argens-Minervois village on the Midi Canal
The Midi Canal at Argens-Minervois

The Midi Canal at Argens-Minervois

Argens-Minervois village on the Midi canal, an attractive village, well worth exploring and with all services, + Minervois wines!

left arrowArgens-Minervois the villageChange photo at leftThe Midi Canal leading to the lock at Argensleft arrowAfter the Argens' lockAfter the Argens lock there is a short section with two sharp bends
	before the the next lock

N.B. : After the Argens' lock, there is a short section with two sharp bends before the the next lock, I strongly recommend that you SLOW DOWN and keep to the right.

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